5 Posing Secrets to Look Skinnier in Pictures

how to pose in pictures, posing for pictures, how to look skinny in pictures
I’m very happy with how I look in pictures.
I’m hoping that sentence startles you, since I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone else say it out loud. But why not? Why do we have to pick out all of our flaws and say them out loud?

I want you to be happy with how you look when our picture is taken, too!

There was a time in my life when I didn’t like what I saw on the developed shot I picked up from Walgreen’s (remember those days, kids?), but I decided to focus on the things I love and work to highlight my best assets so that every shot turned out better and better.
Here are 4 of the tips and tricks I learned, honed and researched to look my best in front of the camera…(read two more secrets here).

 1. Angle yourself to appear slimmer.

There’s no questioning where my son gets his ginormous cheeks. Because my face can come across super wide, I always angle my face away from the camera. The same trick is good for your body. Angle yourself slightly so you’re not showing up wider than you are.

2. Prevent double chin with your tongue.

You know that area under your jaw that can contribute to a double chin? If you’ll stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth, it draws that part up and will help it appear slimmer. (You’re trying it right now, aren’t you?). It works, right!?

3. Confidence is key.

If you’re confident in who you are, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing or if you’re covered in poop in the picture – your confidence is going to shine through all that crap (haha pun!).

Maybe you’re not fully happy with how you look or who you are, but you can fake it! Step out in faith and act like you’re the most confident person in the world. Soon you will find yourself looking at your picture thinking, “DANG I look GOOD.” And you might even say that outloud. :)


5. Get a great photographer.

There are days when I go to take a picture and stand there completely blank. That’s why I’m thankful for Sarah Moser! Not only is she talented as a photographer (I mean…just check out her Instagram!), but she’s also great at giving you ways to pose. And when you have a family photo shoot, what really makes a difference is that everyone is posed well and naturally. Sarah is gifted at that and makes you feel good as she points and clicks – which makes all the difference in the world!
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Links to Make Your Life Spiffy

mom life, knoxville mom, mom fashion, mom style, how to organize a diaper bag, how to choose a diaper bag, coach diaper bag, skip hop diaper bag, mom blog

Saturday’s can be tricky.

I want to do so many things on a Saturday but also have a major relaxing day, so every weekend I work to achieve that balance. I’d really like my every Saturday to include a trip to the farmer’s market, but instead of trying to make plans I’m going to plan on setting up Jackson’s play room so hopefully plans will pop up. Like when you walk in a store with money to spend, but you pretend like you “can’t buy anything” just so that everything you’ve ever needed will pop up in your face. Anyone else do that? Anyone?


I’ve put together a list of things to help you be both productive and relaxed this weekend (mostly relaxed).

Shop a great sale! Maybe even get future self to thank you by starting in on Christmas shopping – Nordstom Yearly Sale

I like hearing about other people’s routines (especially morning routines) so this article will both help you relax and feel productive come Monday morning – Family Routines

Get a leg up *seewhatididthere on – Upcoming legging trends

My hair is going to need this when we’re at the beach – Undone bun

I love a great graphic tee and I’ve pulled together some of my favorites that you can buy straight from the picture – graphic tees

I hope you enjoy your Saturday and Sunday and Monday! We’ll see you back here with fresh content on Tuesday!

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My Relationship with West Town Mall

west town mall, style consultant, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville tn mall

The story of my relationship with West Town Mall starts in 1996, when tween-year-old me walked in to West Town Mall for the first time (wearing what I’m sure was baggy jeans and a giant shirt emblazoned with the Tommy Hilfiger logo)…

I was in town visiting my brother. I remember walking in the door (now the Forever21 entrance) and glancing over to see a window display of Tennessee Volunteer stuff. I still remember making comments about the orange color and how weird it was (you have to forgive tween Elizabeth, she didn’t know she would grow up to be a Volunteer).

West Town Mall fed my addiction to Looney Toons and Batman (thanks WB store! May you rest in peace).

Ok fast foward to 2013…

Simon Malls ran a campaign for bloggers to apply for a position as a “Style Setter” for their local mall. The position meant you would blog for your mall on a website that would include all the blogs for all the malls in the United States.

I applied and got the position! The biggest benefit? I could start rep’ing mall stores on TV instead of pulling things out of the corners of our apartment every other week.

After a year, Simon ended the program. But over that time I had developed a good relationship with mall staff and they offered me the opportunity to create my own position. I could pick a title and everything! Did I consider proposing “Fashion Queen of the Universe”? You betcha.

As “Fashion Queen of the Universe” (or really, “Style Consultant”as it’s more down to earth) I get to emcee mall events, talk about stores on TV and write about the things I love in West Town Mall right here on TheSpiff!

And while I do get compensated for all of it, I make sure that everything I talk about is actually something I truly love and what I feel will help spiff up your life.

I love getting to do what I do. And while I morn the lose of the WB store even to this day, West Town Mall is a fantastic place with fantastic stores. I’m thankful for it and for the doors God has opened for me there. (Trust Him with even your hobbies – He’ll take you further than you’d ever thought you’d go!)

So there ya go! That’s what I do for West Town Mall. Now join me in working up a petition to bring the WB store back ;)

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For When You Don’t Feel Like a Professional Mom

Some days I feel like a professional Mom.

Like when I find a matching pair of socks! Or when I look at a new mom’s baby registry and see “wipe warmer” …even though I was that person less than 3 years ago.

Other days I feel less like a professional Mom. Like when I pull a shirt out for him to wear with a major stain on it, or when I realize I need to feed him lunch…at 4 o’clock (hope his grandmothers aren’t reading this).

I’m learning that’s how the mom thing goes – some days you feel like a pro, more often you feel like you’re doing well to put on clean underwear. But raising kids that love Jesus and can be productive, sorry Thomas the Train I meant…USEFUL members of society is such an important job. Arguably, THE most important job.

So whether you have a mom, are a mom or are believing to be a mom, stop long enough to appreciate the job they do.

I know I wouldn’t be the sparkling human being I am today if it weren’t for my praying Momma. I would be stuck in a ditch from all the bad choices I had made.

And to help you feel more like a professional mom and less like a bum your children call “Ma” here is a gathering of links from all the useful knowledge I’ve cultivated in all my year of being a mom (coming around the bend to 2, so I’m close to making that a plural “year”)

Here’s how to find a great diaper bag.

How to keep it organized once you get it.

The mistakes I made in the first year of motherhood.

And how my style has changed since becoming a mom.

Finally, here is a super great book I just finished on maintaining a godly home. I can’t emphasize how great this book is – my eyes were opened within the first paragraph of the first CHAPTER. It’s a must-read if you want to know how and why it’s important to raise God-fearing children.

Its also got prayers in the back that you can pray over your family, or pray if you’re believing for a family!

I hope you have a spiffy mother’s day weekend celebrating life!

Hey, take your mom to West Town Mall Saturday, May 13th to watch a fashion show (emceed by yours truly) and possibly win some prizes! There will be refreshments and so much fun to be had, so stop on by and see me!

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How My Style has Changed as a Mom

mom style, mom life, style blog, mom style, knoxville style, maternity style, how to have great maternity style

Right before I got married, I remember asking a married friend of mine a crazy question.

I had developed a fear in my head that I was going to let myself go once I tied the knot. She kindly said that just because you’re married doesn’t mean you stop being a woman (duh, Elizabeth) and encouraged me that my style wouldn’t suffer.

Turns out she was right. Not only did my style not suffer, it got better. And it’s not at all because I now had a deep “voice of reason” coming from the corner of the bedroom saying, “That looks ridiculous.” Nope. That’s not it at all.

As you can imagine, that same concern popped up in my head early on in my pregnancy. I was concerned I’d loose my “touch” in maternity wear and beyond since my time would be spent on someone else. Remembering that same feeling I had before getting married, I squashed that crazy fear and turned it into a challenge. (Which I rose to and crushed and you can read how here)

I challenged myself to enjoy getting dressed while pregnant and to not let my style rituals suffer afterwards.

Is it harder to find time to shop for myself? Yes. I recently went shopping with a friend and on the way there, tried to remember the last time I shopped kid-free for no one but myself…it had been a minute.

But that’s where my style goal for the year comes in – my goal is to more often shop my closet. I want to push myself to wear things differently and take time at night to get creative with what I own.

playground fashion, mom blog, mom style, playground style, knoxville fashion

red skirt, maxi skirt, maxi skirt outfit, knoxville blogger, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville fashion, blog, mom blog, mom life, polka dot shirt, what to wear with a polka dot shirt, funny blog, elizabeth ogle, west town mall, style consultant, ann taylor, new york and company, ootd, ootd share, knoxville

I’ve also challenged myself to find more things that meet my physical needs without sacrificing my style aesthetic.

That red skirt, for example. I bought it knowing I would be chasing around an 18-month-old at my brother’s wedding and I didn’t want to be concerned I was flashing everyone all night (thank you, New York & Co!).

Those floral joggers? Bought so that I could be comfortable but still look purposeful when running errands with my little Chunker Cheeks.

Sure, there are things I buy that I know won’t get worn as much. Like anything that’s off the shoulder? Yeah, I love ya (and I bought ya) but it restricts my arm movement…in certain moments that might be a problem with a little boy.

Bathing suit-wise? A HUGE shout out to the person/company that brought these high neck swimsuits into the world?! I mean – being able to run around and not worry about your girlfriends popping out is EVERYTHING.

So just know, no matter what new chapter of life you’re entering into, you don’t have to loose yourself. Take it as a challenge. Adapt your style, don’t forget it or let it go.

It’s possible to look spiffy no matter what!

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