Report Card – How I Did with 2016 Style Goals

style goals, fashion blog, knoxville fashion blog, fashion blogger, tennessee fashion blogger, elizabeth ogle, west town mall style consultant

It may take me years to hit my reading goals and other more adult-like aspirations, but I’m all over it when it comes to making and keeping style goals.

I had a little dance party when I looked back at my 2016 style goals to see if I met them. Because *spoiler alert* I did!

Here’s what they were…

Here are the goals I plan to structure my shopping and closet cleaning around…

  • Buy more tunics and dresses – things I can throw on, style and walk out the door wearing with ease.
  • Pair down my closet to only pieces I would actually put on my body. I’m so tired of sifting through stuff I don’t wear in my closet and I want to see more space.
  • Have more casual, washable, well-made pieces on hand that I can wear and be comfortable in then dress up at a moments notice if I need to. Nailing the “athlesiure” trend is my top priority this year so I can be comfortable AND gorgeous especially since spit up and poop have entered my world.

I’m carrying over last years goals as well, because I’m so tired of junk pieces that don’t wash well and look cheap. And I definitely need to keep in the habit of buying multiples!

(Read the full post here).

I’m so happy with my casual “athleisure” collection right now and my tunic game is ON POINT.

And while there are still some pieces in my closet that need to get the ax, for the most part I’ve kept up with riding my collection of things I don’t wear. And the feeling is fantastic.

Now to set and meet my style goals for 2017!

You can be doing the same happy dance next year! Come back on Monday and we’ll set some spiffy style goals together :)

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Style Goals & Sparkly Elbows

southernrootsphoto, 2016, ottd, metallic skirt, sparkly elbows, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville tn, beauty blogger

southernrootsphoto, 2016, ottd, metallic skirt, sparkly elbows, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville tn, beauty blogger

southernrootsphoto, 2016, ottd, metallic skirt, sparkly elbows, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville tn, beauty blogger

southernrootsphoto, 2016, ottd, metallic skirt, sparkly elbows, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville tn, beauty blogger

Hey there, Two Thousand Sixteen!

We are two months into the year now, which means we are two months closer to the start of fall! (Haha! Just kidding. Not really, I’m pretty jazzed that we’re getting closer to starting this cold weather all over again ;)

I want to preface my next question with the fact that this is a judgment-free zone. So if you don’t have an answer or your answer isn’t what you think it should be, know that we’ll shun you forever. No, but we will offer a high-five and say you’ve still got time to start…

How are your goals coming for the year?

Can you remember what they are?

I’ll check in with mine, then you share yours!

The style goals I set for myself started with buying more tunics and dresses. I’ve bought 4 tunics since the year started. They’re the perfect thing to wear when I need to move freely, look good and feel comfortable (especially with a 7 month old).

My next goal was to pair down my closet to only pieces that I wear. I’d say I’m doing only so so with this goal.

I did a big closet clean out at the beginning of January and pulled out a lot  – like say SIX POUNDS of jewelry! And just the other day when I bought a pair of shoes (Belk at West Town Mall is having an ah-mazing shoe sale) I got rid of a pair of shoes I don’t wear very often. I’d like to keep that rotation going.

Unfortunately I am still passing pieces I haven’t worn in a while, so there’s a little work left to do.

My last style goal was to have more casual pieces (much akin to the athleisure trend). I’ve bought a couple things in this category, but I’d like to get more. I’ve also got my eye on a black pair of Nike’s that I think will be the perfect casual footwear for bopping around town.

Pants are my next goal. I need to revitalize my collection and venture outside of the jeans world (but I’ve got a jeans wish list the length of my skinnies).

Do you have style goals set for yourself? Share them!

By setting style goals you shop smarter, and end up with a closet built specifically around your needs rather than your impulses. And that translates to a happier, more put-together you!

Figure out the holes in your wardrobe and build goals around them so you can walk out of your closet ready to take on the rest of the year!

Outfit deets: skirt (I got on super sale at JCP a couple years ago but that links to a similar one) / sweater (I picked up all the way back in 2015 ;) at a local boutique – Reap The Sew)

Photos taken by the amazing SouthernRootsPhoto

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Motivational Active Wear

west town mall, knoxville fashion, beauty blogger, knoxville beauty blogger, wbir, knox fox mornings, dillard's, work out wear for 2016, active wear trends
west town mall, dillard's, work out wear, active wear trends for 2016, work out clothes, beauty blogger, fashion blogger, knoxville fashion blogger
Find all of these cute options at Dillard’s in West Town Mall

100% of the time, my Tuesday/Thursday wardrobe is active wear.

I rarely deviate from this for the following reasons…

1. I like taking a day off from putting an outfit together. Working from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays allows for a more casual approach.

2. Because I work from home those days, I have to draw a line between home-time and work-time. Getting dressed allows for that, and structured active wear makes me feel more awake and ready to take on the day.

3. Those days are also when I squeeze in a work out. Besides my bi-weekly trip to WBIR then to the mall to return whatever I’ve talked about, I don’t go many places. Sometimes on Thursdays, I go a full 24 hours without ever getting in the car. This is mainly because my to-do list is longer than I can fit on my notepad. Thus, I’m more likely to stop and do some cardio if I’m already dressed for the occasion.

Once I began my policy of wearing only active wear two days a week, I watched my drive to workout sky rocket. I am a firm believer in the fact nice work out clothes you feel good and will lead to a series of healthier decisions (that you can later lean on when it’s time to binge on mac and cheese).

This week on the show I featured some options that are attractive (on sale) and available at Dillard’s in West Town Mall. Above, I’ve put together a collage of more options that aren’t so tight if tightness isn’t your thing.

Watch yesterday’s segment to hear about the latest trends in active wear and how you can pull them off!

west town mall, knoxville fashion, beauty blogger, knoxville beauty blogger, wbir, knox fox mornings, dillard's, work out wear for 2016, active wear trends

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Style Goals for 2016

goal setting, style, fashion blogger, knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville tn, beauty blogger, knoxville beauty blogger, elizabeth ogle, 2016 goals, style goals

If you’re going to set any goals this year, let them be style goals – they’re the most exciting and don’t involve skipping doughnuts.

By taking a step back and looking at your closet/clothing needs as a whole, you can shop better, get dressed in something you love more easily and generally be happier with your look throughout the year.

Last year my goals were to buy things I love in multiples, get through pregnancy without having any emotional “I don’t have anything to wear” breakdowns, quit buying junk clothes just because they’re on sale, and stop buying gray.

I accomplished all of those things except one. I bought more gray.

This year my goals revolve around a baby! And let me point out, that just because he’ll start to be on the move this year, doesn’t mean I have to sacrifice my style.

All of my goals are tailored to help me get out the door faster and be more versatile so I can still feel good about myself while caring for him. Because if Momma ain’t looking cute, ain’t nobody looking cute.

Here are the goals I plan to structure my shopping and closet cleaning around…

  • Buy more tunics and dresses – things I can throw on, style and walk out the door wearing with ease.
  • Pair down my closet to only pieces I would actually put on my body. I’m so tired of sifting through stuff I don’t wear in my closet and I want to see more space.
  • Have more casual, washable, well-made pieces on hand that I can wear and be comfortable in then dress up at a moments notice if I need to. Nailing the “athlesiure” trend is my top priority this year so I can be comfortable AND gorgeous especially since spit up and poop have entered my world.

I’m carrying over last years goals as well, because I’m so tired of junk pieces that don’t wash well and look cheap. And I definitely need to keep in the habit of buying multiples!

Now it’s your turn. What style goals do you want to set for yourself this year?

Once you set them, save them on the notepad in your phone so the next time you go to buy something you can make sure it fits into your style goals!

I’ve got a goal to start you off…read more of TheSpiff! Enter your email address there on the right to get it hand delivered* to your email inbox!

*Not really hand delivered.

Shopping My Closet

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Goals and a Style Plan Made Interesting, I Promise

So I’m going to ask a potentially uncomfortable question…where are you at with your goals for the year?

I’ll share an update with my goals so it may make you feel better… Back in January I talked about doing a style refresh, which included some of my goals for the year.

For example, the one goal of mine was to make social media time productive. While I have done that in some ways (planned Jackson’s nursery…ok I’ve done it in one way), I haven’t really limited my mindless scrolling time. I don’t know why our brains suddenly depend on a social media break, when just 6 years ago they barely knew what it meant. Regardless, I can be better at stopping myself from grabbing my phone every 30 minutes to see information that does me absolutely no good.

The goal I have done well with, is being careful how I shop. The goal of not buying something just because it was on sale has really prevented me from buying things I’m really not going to wear. I don’t want to fill my closet up with junk pieces.

gap, maternity clothes, maternity, maternity style, the limited, banana republic, gwen steffani, statement necklace, blazer, white blazer

A new goal I’ve added to the list, is coming up with a maternity style plan. Funny thing about me…10 years ago I was not a planner. At. All. Then I met my husband. He plans his path through Wal-Mart. So in the 6 1/2 years we’ve been married, a lot of that planning has rubbed off on me. It’s mostly shown up in planning what I wear.

After showing up late to a lot of functions because I was frustrated with finding something to wear, I realized planning an outfit in advance would really help me feel better and look better (which is always the goal). I now religiously plan what I’m wearing. Saturday, my husband and I are going to run errands, I already know what I’m wearing. It’s not uncommon for my Sunday morning outfits to be planned out weeks in advance.

That’s why I came up with a maternity plan, because what I REALLY want to avoid is frustration over that baby bump.

Above is my idea board.

I’m going to shop for deals, but I do plan to replace each pair of jeans I currently wear with their maternity version. That way I won’t miss a beat with my pants.

Maxi dresses are going to really come in handy because I’ll be able to wear those before and after (plus I can wear them 100 different ways). And blazers, well I’ll be stocking up on these for the rest of my life pregnant or not.

And statement necklaces are something I’m really going to load up on so that I can get away with repeating the same basics but still add my own flare.

You should try this. Start formulating a plan for what you want to wear this spring/summer. It will really focus your shopping time and help you put outfits together with greater ease.

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