#StyleGoals 2018

style goals, how to set goals, how to look good in 2018, style, how to have style, goals 2018, how to meet your goals, knoxville, knoxville fashion, fashion blogger, southern fashion blogger

Because #squadgoals is over used.

Whether you conjure resolutions in the new year or not, you need to believe in style goals.

Why? What’s the big deal? Who do I think I am trying to tell you what to do!? Well, I’ll tell you…

If you take a step back from your closet and get a good picture of what you like and don’t like, it will help shape your looks for the rest of the year and have you feeling spiffy everyday.

I’m such a big advocate for setting achievable style goals for myself because they allow me to remain focused in my shopping and #ootd decision making. And I firmly believe it plays a big role in developing personal style, which is exactly what you want. A look that is all your own, touching the trends or classic pieces in the way that only you can – all the while showcasing your favorite assets.

Here are my #StyleGoals for 2018…

1. Replace staple pieces.

I have a jean jacket that has served its purpose but is starting to loose it’s shape. I’ve been lightly looking around for months now, but this is the year I intend to find my jean jacket soul mate. I’m certain I’ll keep you updated on that.

Black pants are something else I’d like to replace and here’ s a little lesson on that…

When you’re shopping to replace something that’s crucial to your closet, try your hardest not to settle for “almost perfect” pieces. I own 3 or 4 “almost perfect” pairs of black pants that are cluttering up my closet and my bank statement. If I would just put effort into finding THE perfect pair, I can clear some of that clutter out.

2. Carefully consider my needs before purchasing.

While Christmas shopping last month it was my goal to not buy anything for myself. IT WAS SO HARD. But I did it! (for the most part). In that little exercise of self control, I realized I make so many clothing purchases that aren’t truly necessary.

I want to continue that mindset and quit cluttering my closet with pieces that don’t move me.

To do this I’m going to need to really have a handle on what it is I have/need which is a topic I’ll cover very soon.

3. Continue shaping my look.

This past year I experienced a shift in how I work. I no longer need office wear but leaned heavily towards athleisure. I’ve got a nice collection of that now, so I’d like to focus on pieces that lean away from the “ath” and more towards the “don’t I look fancy?!”

I’d also like to break my long-standing rule of sequins only in December. I own a pair of sequin pants that really would be chic if worn to a summer event with a silky tank. Let’s do that, in 2018. Let’s break our own rules with pieces we already own.

I hope these goals inspire you to have your best, spiffiest year yet!

If you’re hungry for more, here are style goals 2017, 2016, 2015

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Dillard’s Workout Gear (The Sale Edition)

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

Save. Work out. Look good. Repeat.

No one ever told me that doing a dressing room blog post is much like putting a doughnut in your mouth and being told not to chew.

I mean, you’re trying on fabulous clothes…and they’re on SALE. Come on!

So I chose Dillard’s because they have a great selection of brands and just a great selection period. Their athletic section is on the second floor straight ahead when you disembark from the escalator.

And like I said, these pieces are on sale. So there’s plenty of great deals to be had.

Nike long sleeve top – I’m wearing a large here. Probably could have gone for a medium but I like a little bit of extra length.

This is on sale for $30 and there are purple and black options available as well.

I love that there’s something on both the front and back of this shirt. I also just value a well made long sleeve t-shirt. Honestly, this one should have gone home with me, so save me a large if you get in there ;)

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

Nike sweatshirt – I definitely felt like Kelly Kapowski in this number. It’s a bit cropped (which I’m so over crop. Not that I was ever into it, but I’m definitely ready to not pick out a sweater from off the rack and find that half of it is missing).

I’m wearing a large here as well. This also comes in black and a dark red and goes for $48.

The retro style is cute, different.

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

Marc Jacobs NY top – again, this one was a doughnut just melting in my mouth. The rouching detail is just enough to make this top both work out and athleisure appropriate.

I’m wearing a large and it’s on sale for $26. If you like tops that cover your bum, this one’s got you covered!

They also had a long sleeve version and a black option.

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion


Lucy sweater – a cool way to do comfort.

At first glance, this looked like a run-of-the-mill sporty waterfall sweater (of which I have at least two…okay three). But when I tried it on, I realized it had a personality all it’s own… The sleeves are 3/4 length! I think that’s a neat detail especially since it’s such a cozy/oversized piece – the shorter sleeves really make it flattering.

This one is on sale for $53

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion

work out wear, dillards, west town mall, nike clothes on sale, nike workout outfits, what to wear to workout, dillards sale, dillards sale items, what to buy this time of year, where to get great workout clothes, knoxville, elizabeth ogle, knoxville fashion


Want to see even more great work out clothes and learn something about sports bras? I covered all of that Wednesday and helped eradicate excuses on Monday.

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Tips for Buying Workout Clothes

workout clothes, dillard's, west town mall, where to find good things at west town mall, what to wear working out, how to find the right sports bra, sports bras, how to know which sports bra is right for you, how to know what to wear working out

Don’t sweat the expensive stuff.

Yesterday on the blog was all about eliminating excuses. Well today, I’m giving you tips on what to wear and where to splurge when deciding what to buy.

But do keep in mind – it’s not all about how you look. It’s more important that you feel good in what you’re wearing because it’s all about being motivated to stay on top of your goals.

So here are some great workout pieces to choose from in Dillard’s. Also (and most importantly) some super helpful information about choosing a sports bra.


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Spiffier You in 2018: Eliminating Excuses

Let’s do this.

Goals, health, routine: I have a hard time blogging this time of year because I feel as if I’m one of 1,000 using those same January buzzwords.

But I’m taking a lite approach. OR AM I? DROP AND GIVE ME TEN jk just keep reading…

First, you need to make sure you’re thankful for where you are and what you see in the mirror. Regardless of the steps you take beyond this point, if you don’t love how you look now, you’ll never be thankful no matter what changes. So find two or three things you love about yourself currently and write them down so you can see them every day.

Be conscious to not hold nit-picking sessions in the mirror.

Next, pin point what your goals are. I’d like to loose a couple of pounds that I put on over the holidays and get back into my gym routine…hitting it a certain number of minutes longer than I did last year.

So what’s your clear-cut goal?

Okay, now that you’ve set that. Let’s take away the excuses that pop up (I know these well because they’ve been trying to bed down on my lap for years).

One: I don’t have time to work out.

Fine. Then watch what you eat. As you get older it’s what you eat that makes the biggest difference. I found that when I curtail my taste buds and stay away from foods that are bad for me (carbs, sugar), it develops habits (and cravings) that will help me whether I’m in or out of a busy season with the gym.

That being said – working out still helps!

Two: Working out is too inconvenient.

Really? Then how about this 20 minute session you can do in your own home. 
OR this series is THE GREATEST. I have kept myself in shape for years (and throughout my pregnancy) by doing these videos alone. They are soooo convenient because they have different time options. And each video includes Anna (LOVE HER) and ways to make it easier on yourself if you’re a novice.

I encourage you to start with one video. Just one and see how awesome you feel afterwards. Then later, remember how good you feel once it’s done – that will motivate you to do it again!

Also, working with weights, be it body weight or small hand weights, will cause you to continue burning calories after you’re done.

Three: I don’t have anything to wear.

Well, my friends, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ll be addressing this more later in the week but for now… Let’s look at what you do have!

Pull out everything that’s “workout appropriate.” I bet you have more than you think you do. Once you do see all you’ve got, you can see what needs to be filled in. All you need are 4 pairs of pants and 4 tops (but don’t tell my husband that, since I’m constantly buying workout clothes). If you’re going out to a gym where other people will see you, simply rotate through these options. If you go three times a week then you’ll have one to spare! (PS: t-shirts count, so throw some in the mix).

It’s not all about how you look in the gym, but do make sure the clothes are clean and nice looking. You’re not going to be motivated to go anywhere if you’ve got holes in your shirts/pants. And the good news is Walmart, TJMaxx and even JCP are all great places to stock up on cheap workout basics (I know because I have).

Come back later in the week for more tips with sports bras and gym clothes. Meanwhile GET OUT THERE. Get to eating right and get to be a spiffier you!

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Let’s Catch Up!

fashion blog, fashion blogger, funny fashion blog, style consultant, mom blog, mom life, knoxville fashion, help with blogging

In order to get my head around what it is I’m trying to say here, I’m going to pretend that you just asked me, “So, how are things with the blog?”

Oh! That’s so unexpected, but I appreciate you being so caring. Let me fill you in…

The past two months have been a growing process.

I’ve been writing this blog coming up on 7 years this June. Yeah. If my blog were a human, it would be pretty sassy and potty trained (there lies the extent of my knowledge of seven-year-olds. Get back with me in 5 years. I’ll know more). I have loved every minute of the journey. Well…loved a lot of it in hindsight. Like watching a movie montage – it’s more enjoyable to look back on those late nights when they’re all spliced together in your head with a Norah Jones song layered over them.

Throughout my entire history in this space, my passion and purpose has always been the same. I so deeply desire to help women feel more confident. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that this is something God has called me to do. And just as it is with anything He has for us…He has opened door after door of opportunity beyond what I had planned for myself.

I just wanted to write, but He had bigger plans and I’m so thankful for it!

So you know how they say you’re supposed to replace your mattress every 8 years? Those commercials make me dry heave *steady Elizabeth* …my point is, there’s a refreshing point for everything. Even our mattress – although, my theory is that’s a completely made up number. Someone just needs to be able to support the 100’s of mattress stores they’ve build on every corner. But that’s another blog…for like an anti-mattress store site, I guess…?

The past three months I’ve taken a step back from the blog. I have re-evaluated where I stand with this space. I’ve had other people evaluate where I stand with this space and I’m happy to report that I’m getting a new mattress. Metaphorically. Lord, I love my mattress and even though we’re coming up on 9 years with it, I’M NOT GOING TO GIVE IN AND BUY A NEW ONE!

Maybe this mattress analogy was too much of a hot button issue…

I just wanted to fill you in on the fact that I’ll be making changes to the blog here and there. Some will be noticeable; others will subtly fill your soul with warmth and wonder.

One that you’ll see for sure, is the fact that Pinterest and I have made amends (follow me there to see!). I’ve come to terms with the fact that everyone can now be creative with just a push of a button, while the rest of us will just have to pin what’s in our heads and stop being bitter about it….it’s what some people deal with…I’m sure. Not me! Ha…

I’ll also be stepping up my Instagram game (follow me there too!). And-God willing-picking up where I left off with personal style consultations.

All of that to say, hold on! There’s so much work being done behind the scenes so that I can be more steady and available to you on a regular basis.

I hope this fills you with joy! I so badly want to help you look your best, and do it using what’s in your closet.

I’m excited to see what this new year holds for our relationship :)

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