He Who Steals My Purse Steals Trash!

We’ve all had one of those conversations where you’re talking about names you like, then someone comes back and says, “No, I once knew a *insert name here* and she was a jerk.

It’s like that poem of Shakespeare’s where he talks about the value of a name, it’s so important that we leave a good impression in people’s minds no matter how small our interaction with them.

The same is true with brand names. If I say a name like Suave, you certainly don’t think high end hair products. In fact up until recently my thoughts were along the lines of “no, thank you!”

I’m happy to report my mind has been changed (so there’s hope for *insert name here* to redeem the name!). My usual brand of mousse is Dove, but our local grocery store stopped selling it and Suave was evidently the next in line on the shelf and so my husband grabbed it instead.

Honestly, my first thought was “I’ll wait for more Dove”, but out of desperation one day I used it, and was very pleasantly surprised.

Not only did the mousse have a SUPER nice sent to it, but it has a great hold without at all leaving my hair crunchy.

I like to use as little mousse as possible when I’m letting my hair dry, then touch up with a little more the next day. Suave allows me to do all of that and breathes new life in my waves each time.

It’s got a great foam factor-which I’ve come to realize is what translates to body in your hair (the limper the mousse is in your hand, the limper your hair will be and visa versa).

Plus, it’s $2 cheaper than Dove which is already under $5. I don’t know if I’ll switch entirely (although I say this but two days ago I just bought more Suave!)

Suave has restored the name to me, let’s all do the same for our names!

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