It Was Like Wearing a Hug

If I were to say “grandma sweater” to my sister right now, she’d know immediately that I was referring to the sweater we used in high school that was old and not so pretty, but would literally warm you the minute you put it on.

We never took it anywhere outside of school and used it only for emergencies, mind you :)

I still don’t know where it came from, but as I write about it I can remember how cozy it was.

With it being so hot outside you can pretty much bank on it being freezing cold inside, which is why it’s great to keep an updated version of the “grandma sweater” around.

I do a poor job of this at my own desk, because I don’t keep a cute sweater in the shoot for that moment around 10:30 when my office plummets to 60 degrees. No, I’ve got a big fleece around for that, so really I need to follow my own advice.

Let’s all go out and get something that we can keep around that will make us warm and keep us looking cool (warm, but not too warm, as many a nap was thought about while wearing that grandma sweater!)

Think about your main color scheme and find a little summer cardigan that will match your office basics. If you wear mostly black-get black or white. You could even go with something that has stripes if you don’t wear many patterns. Just something that will take the chill off of you but not the cute!

Pictured is an example from Old Navy that’s $20! I like how the sleeves stop right before your wrist making it the perfect summer cardi that could easily translate into early fall and later spring.

Don’t be a Popsicle while you work, cozy up in your own twenty first century grandma sweater :)

Set the alarm or the DVR for tomorrow’s FOX morning show
I’ll be on at 8:30 and you don’t want to miss this topic!!!
*Also, check tomorrow afternoon’s Spiff for bonus material that I don’t get to say on TV
…Oooo intrigue!

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