A New (and Fabulous) BB Cream

Skin can be a lot of work. It’s one of the reasons why winter is so fabulous, you get to throw on cute tights, boots, sweaters, scarves…that’s much less work!

But the season will come around again where we’re baring it all *sigh. It’s a lot more work, but thanks to Jergens it’s going to be a lot easier.

They’ve taken the BB Cream south and made it for our whole body! Instead of just our faces getting all the moisture, repair and skin perfecting elements, we can now have that all over the place.

Their formula firms, evens, corrects, moisturizes…it’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a skin cream.

More great news? Ok.

The more you use it the better your skin looks. That’s a huge bonus for me. I love it when something isn’t just masking a problem but fixing it too.

You can bet your sweet sticky buns I’m going to be bathing in this stuff all spring/summer long.

And the fact that it’s only $13 will certainly help make that possible.

Before you get your hands on this stuff, get skin that glows with one of these five products!

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Get an Instant Glow With These 5 Products

It may be the dead of winter, but that doesn’t mean what little skin we’re showing can’t glow.

Because we’re showing so little skin (and thank God for that, the upkeep is wildly easier in the winter, am I right!?)…but because we’re showing so little, we should make sure that what we are showing looks good.
And I have good news about that, glowing skin is only 5 products away.
Check out my latest Style Setter blog for the 5 products that will get you glowing skin this winter. Start the year with a good skin regime and you’ll sale right through to summer.
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A Simple Technique for Glowing Skin

Christmas time is here!

I hope your food coma from Thanksgiving has worn off and you’re finally able to function upright again.

This time of year when your eating habits change and the weather is really cold outside, it can sometimes show up on your skin.

face oilSo be sure you’re still being kind to that large organ of yours and think about implementing face oil. Kiehls makes a great night oil that restores moisture, regenerates and repairs your skin overnight.

You’ve probably heard me talk about how great facial oil is for your skin and how it’s not something to run from. Remember, if you put good oil on your face it notifies your skin to stop producing that bad oils that give us blotchy-ness, dry patches and breakouts. Oh my!

Here’s a way to apply this facial oil, that will help benefit you the most…

First, apply moisturizer to your face. When it comes to touching your face with your fingers, you want to make sure you’re patting it on. This will help not stretch your skin.

Next, pour some facial oil into your palm and rub your hands together. This will help activate the oils and get them ready to do their job. Then pat the oil all over your face.

The oil locks in the moisturizer you just applied, so that they can’t evaporate which means you’re skin gets the full benefit of the cream AND the oil. This is especially good this time of year when our water intake may not be where it should (but our whip cream intake is juuust fine *wink), and the weather outside is dryer.

Let’s have glowing skin whether we’re by the fire or not!

Merry Christmas Everybody!

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You Heard it Here First

Good Tuesday to you!

If you missed last week’s segment, no worries!
The sun is out, it’s getting warmer, and I’ve posted it below! :)

What I think is funny is last week after I did this segment, browsing through all of my sources I found they were all saying the same things I was (just a day or two later) so you heard it here first people! :)

One more thing I’d like to add to this is make sure you always always always wear sunscreen! If it’s not a part of your daily rituals, it definitely needs to be.

Get an easy moisturizer (like Oil of Olay) that has it already in there that way you don’t even have to think about it.

Ok, have a wonderful Tuesday and watch on!

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Glow On, Be Happy

Today on the show I talked about ways to appear as if you’ve shaken off the winter blues.

It’s a con job right now because the high barely cracked the 40’s yesterday, and every time I looked out my window it was snowing (I know it’s awesome, right!? I LOVE it. If you don’t, we’ll accept your flaws and move on ;)

I talked about how great it is to exfoliate your face, but I what I didn’t touch on is taking it further than your mug. It’s a great idea to exfoliate your neck and decollete as well as your arms, legs and stomach. Pretty much any where you can reach is a great place to exfoliate (except sensitive places that rhyme with schnipples because it stings really badly for a long time if you do…at least…that’s what they tell me).

Think of exfoliation as shedding a layer of gross dead skin. I remember seeing a snake molt for the first time-gross, even now I’m disgusted at the thought, but it’s that disgust that drives me to slough off my own dead skin and keep the glow going.

It’s so rejuvinating to your skin to exfoliate, especially if you choose one that has an oil in it to replenish any moisture lost.

One that I’ve been using for years (I’m actually getting close to being done and I’m starting to get sad) is by Arbonne. My mom gave this to me for Christmas years ago after I raved about using hers, and it’s sat in my shower ever since then only to be used on special occasions (when I wanted dewy, happy skin, I guess).

A couple months ago I saw it and thought “forget special occasions, I’m using it because I want dewy happy skin NOW!”

I’ve now gotten to the point where I have to stop myself from using too much (oops). The point is, I noticed a difference and couldn’t believe I hadn’t been exfoliateing all along.

Don’t be that person. Don’t be like past me was and save it for special nights out. Do your skin a favor and exfoliate about once or twice a week.

Your skin will repay you quite nicely with some hard core smoothness and dewyness and overall happiness. Which will then radiate onto your face causing everyone to think spring has arrived because you’re so happy and I will look you in the eye and say, “My job here is done!”

Boots makes a great body scrub (under $10). Bath and Body makes a delicious one (only a little over $10). So see! Your options are wide-don’t let dead skin follow you around any longer!

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