Working Mom

working mom, mom blog, working mom post, baby, how to work and have a baby
This is how I end up writing now days – to keep everyone quiet I just pile them on my lap :)

I’m appreciating a specific lull right now.

I’m married and we’ve pro-created so the lull I’m enjoying is related to the questions people often pester you with about your next chapter in life. (I.e.: “When are you getting married”, “When are you going to have a baby!?”) Well I’ve recently turned the page to a pretty big chapter, so I get to enjoy this temporary pause in the pressure passing acquaintances feel the right to impose.

I’m also back at work as of last week. I left on maternity leave curious as to what it was going to be like to return. I did have an inkling, and it turns out my inkling was right…

People would always ask if I was going back to work after having Jackson, and I (fully knowing myself and that I couldn’t be at home everyday) would respond with a confident, “Yes.” Most of the time I would get told I’ll probably change my mind, or how that was their plan and it was impossible for them to go back.

I’ve learned that when it comes to having a baby, there’s no shortage of free advice that gets doled out. Nor is there a shortage on judgmental looks when you answer questions and your answers don’t line up with how people think you should do things.

This past summer Dayton and I listened to a book on tape by a famous person who was talking about having kids. She started going into all the things people say and try to pressure you into doing because it’s how they did it, but she had a great saying that both Dayton and I have brought out several times in this whole process… “That’s great for you, but it’s not for me.”

Going back to work is for me. I’m not writing this because I’m trying to push down the guilt, I’m writing it so you can be encouraged in the decisions you make that you know are a part of God’s will. It’s Him, you and your spouse that are calling the shots, not the people you pass once a week in the women’s bathroom.

If staying home is where you feel God wants you, then that’s great for you! If using cloth diapers or not sticking the paci in your mouth to clean it off is part of your policy, that sounds perfect for you. If dressing your baby in Gator colors all day everyday is what you feel is best, then that’s wonderful for you!

…but it’s not for me. (Go VOLS ;)

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Introducing: Jackson

Seven weeks ago I was still trying to imagine what his little face would look like, and how unconditional love for my child would change me.

Now that he’s here, I’ve stared at him for so long his face is always in my brain, like a light imprint that shows up when you close your eyes . And I can tell you that all of the blood, sweat and tears it took to get him here was worth every minute.

The story to getting Jackson starts in 2012 when we first decided we were ready for kids. Before that time I knew I was too selfish to have a baby and I was good with waiting. Once we decided it was time, it was scary but very exciting.

Within the two years of believing for this little one we experienced great loss. Standing in faith to bring a baby into this world regardless of what my body was telling me was the hardest walk I’ve ever had to walk. But I thank God for His Word and the story of Abraham. Because if Sara can have a baby in her old age, I knew nothing was impossible! And praise God He never fails.

Fast all the way forward past a some pretty heavy fruit cravings and a much anticipated baby belly, to two days before Jackson was born. I was scheduled to have an induction on Thursday, July 30th, but I wasn’t dilating very fast so they wanted me to come in the day before that on Wednesday. Our bags had been packed and next to the front door for almost a week and a half so needless to say, we were ready with a capital READY.

With the car loaded, our little dog taken care of and literally every detail at both our jobs wrapped up, Dayton hits the button to close the trunk and we are on our way. As he’s doing that, my phone rings and I have the craziest most unexpected phone call of my life – the hospital is full, too many people went into labor in the last 12 hours, they’re postponing inductions.

We unpack the car and go back in the house. One of us may or may not have cried.

Later on we laughed because most of the time people’s delivery stories include not being ready and rushing out the door, but ours includes being overly ready and then getting rejected from the hospital. Alanis Morissette can write her another irony song.

It wasn’t until noon the next day that there was finally a room available at the hospital and we could go in. Sparing you a large load of details…they broke my water at midnight on Thursday and Jackson arrived at 10:26 am on Friday. I hard-core pushed with every contraction for a total of 3 hours.

Just the other day we got the bill for the epidural. My husband asked if I would pay that amount again. I said, “Don’t tell the doctor, but I would pay twice that.”

I remember thinking at one point that I was going to be pushing for the rest of my life. I thought, “This is it. Everyone will go about their lives and I will forever be in this room trying to get this baby out.” Spoiler alert: I’m not pushing any more – Jackson finally made it out. We both had to take some time to recover from the whole labor process, but thankfully we are all doing just fine.

He has a lot of hair and some major cheeks. Needless to say, I’ve spent the majority of my maternity leave just staring at him :)

A big thanks to both Southern Roots Photography and Taryn Yager Photography for these awesome pictures!

into jeo 6

intro jeo 4

intro jeo 5

intro jeo


intro jeo 2

intro jeo 3

To read about my pregnancy, click here, here, here, and here!

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Labor Day

The words “Labor Day” bring to mind the day I pushed this guy into the world. And boy is “labor” an appropriate word for that process!

I’ll share the full story of that very soon (it’s a wild tale too), but until then, here’s a picture of our cutie little man. Enjoy your holiday!

baby picture, baby photography, fashion blog, beauty blog, knoxville blog

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Sisters, Friends, Mothers

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

On the days you thank God for my existence (i.e.: everyday), you can also thank this gal. She prayed for a little sister and I’m so glad she did!

On the eve of Jackson’s birthday (if it hasn’t happened already) I think it’s fitting to post these shots taken by the talented Brittany of Southern Roots Photography. Here we are showing off our baby bumps – babies we’ve talked about and dreamed of for years.

I’m so thankful for this girl.

Our relationship as sisters has been through many phases all of which have weaved themselves together to form a friendship I especially cherish. And while we are bound to do some things differently when it comes to raising our boys, a couple things will remain constant. We’ll remain best friends, they’ll grow up to be best friends, and we will all have seen 40 or 50 showings of “You’ve Got Mail” by the time they’re walking ;)

I’m going to take the rest of the week off from the blog (cause I’m going to have a BABY!!!), but be sure to check back in on Monday and be sure to follow me on social media (links are there on the right) for updates about Jackson!

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

maternity photo shoot, maternity photos, maternitywear, maternity style, maternity fashion, photoshoot ideas, baby pictures, sisters, sister photo shoot ideas, sister pictures, sisters, photoshoot with sisters, family photo shoot ideas

To see pictures from the photo shoot I had with my husband click here, for my maternity style tips click here.

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Baby Update IV

baby update, maternity, fashion blog, pregnancy

I parked in “Expectant Mother” parking twice in one day last week. I figured I had better take advantage of it while I can!

I’m really just trying to soak in the last couple of weeks being pregnant. For years I’ve been excited to be obviously pregnant. Even in college I could remember thinking how much I was going to enjoy it.

And here I am, enjoying every minute of showing off this baby bump!

Cravings have drastically subsided in the past month. And I’m not as hungry as I was in the middle of the pregnancy. I did start having small contractions around week 34 and they’ve slowly progressed.

I’m good if he comes early. At our last doctor’s visit he was measuring 7.5 pounds so he’s a very healthy baby :)

If there’s one thing I’m realizing it’s how much I need to truly lean and rely and trust on God. Because the worry train can easily pull out of the station at this point, but I don’t need to let my mind board it because once he comes out there’s only going to be plenty more opportunities to do so. I want to be trusting God now.

He’s got it all under control.

Jackson’s nursery is just about ready. His little clothes are washed. And my husband and I are operating under the assumption that he’s coming today, by the way. If he doesn’t, we figure we’ll be ubber prepared and if he does we’ll certainly take him! We can’t wait to see his little face!

Check back in the rest of the week as I’ll be sharing my maternity fashion secrets (I only bought 7 actual “maternity” items and never had a “what do I wear!?” moment). Unless he comes today in which case enjoy a couple posts from last year that I’ve got scheduled to go up juuuust in case :)

Stay tuned on my social media to see if he’s arrived! (Follow me through the links in the upper right hand corner).

To follow the baby journey click here, here, or here.

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