Race to the Diminish Line

Happy Wednesday! What’s a good Wednesday without a tip about not stuffing your face, eh?

Here’s a lesson I recently learned about myself…
When I am hungry, I get a plate of food (especially at dinner cause that’s usually the biggest meal I eat) and I stuff myself, or I used to. Until I realized that I was shoveling food into my face thinking the whole time how great the seconds were going to be. …Weight, what?

Instead of enjoying the first plate all I did was eat my way through it to take the edge off my hunger. I consciously did not enjoy the taste of the first plate because that was a task I was saving for the second plate.

Now that I have discovered this little problem I’ve taken action against it. I heard once that this is what some countries in Europe do after eating and I think it’s a good plan…Savor the first plate of food and when you are done, wait. If 5-10 minutes later you are still hungry then feel free to go back for more (smaller portions please) but if you are not still hungry then grab a fork and stick it in you because you’re done.

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