This Girl



Say hello to Elianna Elizabeth!

She came into this world about a month ago with a head full of hair that we snuggle every day (it’s so soft!).

While she didn’t take as long to get into this world as her brother did, she did ring in with a head a full inch bigger than his. Lordy, my children and their giant heads.

Speaking of her brother he’s totally in love. He runs to the nursery when I’m changing her to help soothe her cries and tries to talk to her in the same baby voice we do which is always hilarious.

Life with a girl is different in so many ways already. I’m still getting used to putting together little girl outfits that are littered with bows (I’m so not used to bows). But I’m having fun translating my style for her which will only get easier as she grows.

Postpartum dressing has been a little easier this round. I was more prepared for what to expect with a post-baby body this time. I would love to write more about that later, because in all my searching there wasn’t much out there for postpartum style advice.

Until then, enjoy these pictures of our little doll and stay tuned for more Spiffy content!

PS: I can’t say enough about Taryn Yager Photography. She is a magician when it comes to children and getting them to smile for the camera and her pictures are individual masterpieces. I can never pick just one!




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