Matte About You

Happy Valentines Day!

Tell your loved ones with your nails this week, with some great tools and a little ingenuity.

Since I’m not a lover of red, I went for my favorite OPI pink this week, “I’m India Mood for Love” (what a fitting name!).

It’s the perfect shade of deep pink that’s bright enough to be noticed, but not so neon that it burns your retina’s. The only problem was, this color is a little old and I was painting my nails right before bed time which usually translates to that ever so annoying bed sheet pattern (why don’t we make that a trend!?)

But love for this shade prevailed and thankfully I had gone out and bought Essie’s Matte About You mattifier. What this does is turn any nail shade a flat matte. Which I super heart because OPI doesn’t have that line of Matte colors any more and there were a couple that I kicked myself for not getting. Now I can turn ANY shade matte!

This is a great “picker upper” for old polish because by painting on the mattifier, the nail polish that would have still be mailable for a long time, froze up and dried up so that I could close up for the night. It’s a Valentine’s Day miracle!

Plus it makes my fingers look like Barbies :)

Later on in the week I might be feeling adventurous enough to take my nail art pen and draw some polka dots!

Another idea is to paint every nail a different shade of pastel colors then take a white nail art pen a write things like “Luv U” or “Call Me” that way your nails look like those little valentines candies!!

So many great ways to say “Happy Valentines Day” with your fingers, just make sure you also say it with your mouth :)

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