
Eradicate-that’s the word you want all over your pimple cream (and nowhere near your shampoo).

Which is why we should all find Kate Somerville and hug her real tight. She has come up with Eradikate, an acne fighting solution that involves the highest level of sulfur allowed. Needless to say you won’t be using this cream during the day or to win friends and influence people because it does smell like the dickens.

However, what it lacks in perfumed allure it certainly more than makes up for in effectiveness.

It will eradicate some pimples overnight and others it will skip you through the nasty puss process and take you straight to recovery mode (which is heaven when you feel that giant one forming under your skin).

The process is very simple. You go to Sephora, you buy it for $22, you DO NOT SHAKE IT. You’re going to want to because there is pink stuff all over the bottom that is not mixed in with the liquid on the top, but resist that urge because it will squelch its effectiveness.

You go home, shut the door, close the blinds, wash your face, and take a clean Q-tip and dip it all the way to the bottom where the pink stuff is. You bring it back up and shmear it all over your zit. DO NOT (there’s a lot of those with this stuff, but who cares! It gets rid of zits!)

DO NOT take the Q-tip and dip it back down in the bottle. That will introduce bacteria into the solution and that’s not good. It’s meant to fight off the bacteria on your face not in the bottle.

I promise you, the next morning you will be doing cartwheels all over the house and probably from this point on get really strangely happy when you smell sulfur :)

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