How to Clean Out Your Jewelry Box

I understand very well how cleaning and re-organizing can be a daunting task.

If I look up from my computer, I can easily get overwhelmed with all the ways my office needs to be cleaned out. But I also know that there’s a productive way to clean, and a non-productive way.
It really helps to have the process broken down into manageable steps so that the task doesn’t seem so daunting.
Here’s an easy 3 step process to productively clean out your jewelry box (with picture proof that I’ve done it and it works). 
1. Put everything in categories. 
If you’ve ever read a cleaning tutorial by me (like last weeks makeup bag clean out post) you’ll know that the first thing I like to do is put everything in categories. So put all your bracelets together, necklaces, hoop earrings, studs, watches – get them all together. This really helps the whole process because it’s something you can easily do right off that shows you progress and gets you to the next step which is…
2. Go through each category and purge.
When everything is separated out into categories it helps to see what you have that could be alike. I found that I have a plethora of stud earrings that look alike, so I got rid of a lot of duplicates (especially the duplicates that looked old).
While you’re going through each category ask yourself these questions…

A. When was the last time I wore this?

B. Did it make me feel good?
C. Does it still look good? (IE: Is it tarnished? Beat up?)
These big gold and black earrings got cut from their spot in my jewelry box because every time I would see them I’d think, “Oh I’m definitely not wearing those.” That was a big clue to me when I sat down to clean everything out, that they needed to go.

This ring got the boot because it was starting to turn. And you should NEVER wear jewelry that’s visibly changing colors (unless it’s a mood ring and it’s 1984).

3. Organize what you put back.
After you’ve purged your collection (you can even do the three categories like I once talked about with your closet: keep/give away/try again) go through each section and organize it. Put all your big hoops together, all your studs together and so on and so forth. 
Clean = Happy!

It’s important to have a clean jewelry box in the same way it’s important to clean out your closet. You need to know what you have so you can easily wear it and feel good. It’s also great not to have to dig through a mess when you’re trying to run out the door.

Here’s to a happy/clean/organized 2014!

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Closet Cleanse: Day 3 {The 3 F’s}

I’ve never done a body cleanse, but I have gone without food for 36 hours, so I can imagine the crazy discomfort that’s involved.

Good news about a closet cleanse is, you can eat afterwards (or during if you’d like, but that might stain something). And the discomfort is only temporary.

On day 3 of the cleanse it’s time to take a closer look at that “Try again” pile.

But let’s make it fun! Invite a friend over (who has a good eye, and will be honest!) and try on everything in that pile. And I do mean everything!

You want to try it all on because you may have recently purchased something that you could pair it with, or your body may have changed since you last wore it, and it may look different (good or bad).

Once you try it on, run it through what I like to call: The 3 F’s

1. Does it Fit?
2. Does it Flatter?
3. Does it Flow?

Just because something fits your body, doesn’t mean it’s flattering. That’s why it’s good to have a second set of eyes when you’re doing this so they can tell you if it really looks good.

And even if something is flattering and fits, if it doesn’t flow with your current style aesthetic then you won’t wear it, so get it out.

In the event that a top is teetering on the fence with all three F’s, see what you can do to fix it. For example, is it a top that’s too long? Can you tuck it in a pencil skirt or pants? Figure out the problem and try to fix it.

For the final exam, if you’re still unsure of a piece even after all of that, wear it out on a Saturday. I do this because it’s easy to feel all bold about something in the low light of your bedroom at night. But once you break it out into the sun and in public-all bets are off. See how you feel running errands in it, where you may or may not run into someone you know! *Gasp*

It’s all about streamlining your clothes so that you can more easily (and happily) get dressed. Come back tomorrow for #thisweeksnails, then Friday for the final day of the closet cleanse!

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Closet Cleanse: Day 2

Giving this same talk live :)

Yesterday I got you all pumped up about cleaning out your closet (if you need to revisit the pep-talk you can do so here).

Today, it’s all about the first steps to take towards a happier, more well dressed you!

Day two of the cleanse is quick.

Look at every piece of clothing you have and decide instantly if it goes into one of three piles: keep, get it out, or try again.

This step has to be fast, because that first instinct is the one you want to go with. And the only way to spark that is to go through your pieces quickly.

Here are the qualifications for each pile:

1. Keep
This means it’s something you’ve recently worn, felt good in, and currently own other things with which it goes.

2. Get it out
You can’t remember the last time you wore it. When you did wear it, you either didn’t feel good in it, or have a bad memory attached. Maybe you associate it with a good memory, but you still don’t wear it (if that’s the case box it up, it still doesn’t need to be in your regular rotation). Either way, you can’t see yourself wearing this type of piece in the future.

3. Try again
If you’re at all wishy-washy about something, throw it in this pile. But it may not stay there for long. Come back tomorrow to see what to do with it (it’s fun!).

After you’ve separated everything out, put the keepers back in your closet, and do exactly what the second pile says to do-“get it out”.

This provides you with a sense of accomplishment and leaves you with only the “try again” pile to work on.

Come back tomorrow to reveal its fate!

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Closet Cleanse: Day 1

Here’s some of the best advice I can give you about clothes: love your closet.

I’m talking your closet as a whole-love it. Have it clean, neat and organized because that’s where you start your day.

(Golden nugget of wisdom in 3…2…1)

Disorganization breeds discontent.

I literally said out loud, “Oh yeah, that’s good” when I was outlining this post. Because it’s true.

You will continually be discontent with how you look if every time you walk in your closet, all you see is a jumbled mess. Especially if you constantly have to push past clothes that you know you’ll never wear, to get to the ones you will.

Get ready faster and be more decisive in what you’re going to put on by having a clean and well organized space for your clothes.

That will make for a much happier you, I guarantee it.

So how and where do you start? It’s a good thing you asked, because right now is the perfect time to go through a closet cleanse.

With summer coming to a close, you can look back with fresh eyes and see what did and didn’t make the cut this summer, allowing you to purge those pieces that didn’t get touched.

Then take a look at your fall collection and see what all needs to be updated. Do all of this after you’ve read up on The Spiff this week because I’ll be giving you detailed instructions as to how to go through do this cleanse painlessly.

(Good news is you can still eat carbs in the middle of it).

Don’t fear, just keep on clicking back. We’ll go through this together, and you’ll come out a happier you!

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Organize, then Celebrate with Cheesecake

Parking at the mall is like cutting open the plastic of a new toy.

You can’t wait to get inside, but you’ve got to get through a lot before you do.
(That works, right? Oh, how I long to be so clever with those types of comparisons).

Parking at the mall becomes worse when there’s a giant construction zone blocking your favorite entrance. But you know what? I’m ok with it. I’m ok with not being able to park and run into Forever21. I’m ok with having to walk waaay out of my way just to get into my favorite store. A store that I could probably walk to from my house faster than it takes me to find a parking space.

Why am I so chill about it? Because of why they’ve made that entrance a construction zone.
Cheesecake Factory.
Yes. I’ll walk through mud if I have to.

With Cheesecake Factory to cross off the list of dream places to have here in town, it’s becoming a very slim list indeed. Ikea, you’re next.

This past summer I revolutionized how I store my scarves thanks to Ikea: the massive, Swedish meatball (let’s not talk about the horses) selling chain store that’s so cleverly filled to the brim with cheap home accessories.

It’s the world’s greatest place to buy Christmas presents (among thousands of other things). The only “problem” is there’s a lot of, “One for you, one for me” that goes on (I use “problem” in the-non budget friendly sense.)

This scarf organizer, for example, was a BOFY GOFY (instead of BOGO it’s buy one for you, get one for me :) It makes a great present and is THE perfect way to hang and store my scarves!

Now, not only can I see them all but they also stay wrinkle free and are no longer weighing down my little hutch next to the front door.

If you’re not able to make the occasional trek to an Ikea, check Home Goods, or Marshalls, and also you can get one similar here on Amazon.

Gather your scarves, get them out of the drawer/balled up fetile position, and let them hang out on display! You’ll be happy, they’ll be happy-sounds like a good reason to celebrate with a meal at the Cheesecak…wait it’s not finished yet.


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