Links to Spiff Up Your Summer

summer to do list, knoxrocks

Currently, I’m a sucker for articles that talk about making your life easier.

Whether it’s doing the wash, cleaning the house, balancing work and baby – I want any tips that can help me do all of that without collapsing in a sweaty heap of exhaustion.

And since I aim to write the blog I want to read, I’ve got several links here that will help make your summer season easier.


Enjoy an article from a talented writer who takes you on an incredible journey to find the perfect summer necklace. Well, the talented part is true, the “incredible journey” is more like a 150-word post with a joke here and there ;) It is a great summer alternative to the statement necklace without all the weight.


Here’s a post about how to make your meal planning/cooking easy. I use this same service, and I think it’s funny that the girl who wrote this post doesn’t like cooking at all yet still enjoys the service. I, on the other hand, LOVE cooking and two am a big fan of this meal service.

So whichever camp you fall in, you’ll be pleased.


The idea of making a summer to-do list sounds so fun! This was written by Piper Hansen, an impressive young girl who is truly making a name for herself. This post will inspire your summer fun, but keep it organized so it’s not overwhelming. It will also be great to look back on to see all that you did over the summer months – I love that because then it will help me feel as if I properly soaked up every moment :)


So this is going to get a little awkward… The last link is to an article I wrote about what to have in your summer beauty bag. Turns out one of these items gave me a rash. I’ll let you decipher which one…just kidding.

The “free and clear” sunscreen…yeah, that didn’t leave me free of itching and clear of bumps and redness at all. Nor did it leave my baby clear of those things either. Whaaa Whaaaa.

Beware of that, but do enjoy everything else in the bag.

The tinted moisturizer from Bare Minerals is TRULY AMAZING. I want to put it on my whole body.

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Summer Beauty Swaps

summer, beauty, knoxville beauty blogger, tennessee beauty blog, summer beauty swaps, how to stay cool in the summer

Hey there!

I’m taking the rest of the week off, but I’ve scoured the blog for posts that will still help you look spiffy. I’m not sure I can still wear the dress I have on in this video, but it’s definitely one of my favorites (and don’t ask if that’s the only reason I went with this post).

Haha, oops. No, it’s super hot outside so these are helpful tips ;) Enjoy!

Now that it is consistently hotter than a cole miners arm pit outside, it’s a good time to summer-ize our beauty routine.

This time of year we need protection from the sun, tools to combat humidity, and products that will help us not feel like we want to melt into the concrete.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch yesterday’s segment, just press play!

Here is a list of all the products I talked about…

Aveeno body lotion with SPF: If you’re not already applying lotion everyday/every time you get out of the shower, you should be! Add this to your routine and you’ll not only get moisturized, but you’ll also get protection from the sun!

Pond’s BB Cream: One thing I forgot to mention on the show, is this only comes in two shades. I picked up the medium to go with my tan, and it seems to blend in well. It does come out a lot darker then what it ends up looking like on your face, so don’t get freaked out.

Maybelline Color Show in Pink Embrace: light pastel colors are great for your manicure if you don’t want to touch it up a lot. These lighter colors won’t show nicks and chips as badly.

Urban Decay Makeup Setting Spray: I don’t know why my face starts to feel gross by 3pm, but I do know how to fix it – this makeup setting spray does the trick every time. Spray it on your face after doing your makeup to keep it in place, then do what I do and use it as an afternoon refresher.

Sea Salt Spray by Organix: Get that soft beach-babe look in your hair without all the driving and that sand thing, with this great sea salt spray. It smells fantastic and will give your hair some texture to make it easier to put up.

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Flawless Radiance Brush

Honestly, I really enjoyed being pregnant in the summertime. I don’t sweat very easily and am not often hot, so the 90 degree temps never really bothered me. Not to mention the fact that my husband is quite the opposite so I was finally comfortable in our 60 degree home.

What I enjoyed the most was not having to worry about my tan. I felt as if I could get away with being super white since I was pregnant (you can’t judge me I’m pregnant).

The one thing I didn’t give up (and don’t regardless of the season) was putting bronzer on my face. After applying foundation, I always contour my face with some bronzer to add color and dimension back in (I make an “E” starting at my forehead, hitting my cheek bones and finishing along my jaw line). This brush is one I reviewed last year, but it’s still doing an amazing job at applying just the right amount of color…

bronzer brush

Boy, does Bare Minerals know how to name their brushes or what? Who can say no to “flawless radiance“? On top of that, I’m going to go ahead and skip to the even better part, it’s only $22.

Now that I’ve got your wallet and your face considering it, let me tell you why it’s so great…

I’ve always been a big advocate for buying good brushes. Because I truly believe a good makeup brush takes your look from “homemade” to “professional” faster than anything else. This is true with any brush you would use on your face, but most recently I learned just how true it is when it comes to a bronzer brush.

I’ve been practicing what I preach by having great eye shadow brushes for years now. But I was getting a failing grade in the bronzer and blush brush category. “Oh any old thing will do,” is what I thought to myself as I picked up my old foundation brush to wipe the bronzer all over my face. Then I would get frustrated with the bronzer for not looking right…and the cycle would continue.

Then I went to Bare Minerals one day to talk about their new foundation. The girl applied it and some bronzer on my face (the very same bronzer I’d been failing with) and it looked fantastic! The difference? The brush.

You can believe I bought up that brush then and there! Gal pals, it makes such a huge difference. I mean HUGE difference in how the bronzer looks on my face. I’m loving how it blends and even how the bristles feel on my skin – it’s become my favorite part of the makeup process for sure.

Don’t waste any more time being frustrated with bad bronzer – get a new brush!!

Will you consider using bronzer all year?

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Summer Beauty Swaps

This a post from last summer (as you’ll quickly surmise when you see my stomach ;) But I wanted to bring it to you again because all of these products are still relevant, and will help make your summer beauty routine a lot easier. Enjoy!

Now that it is consistently hotter than a cole miners arm pit outside, it’s a good time to summer-ize our beauty routine.

This time of year we need protection from the sun, tools to combat humidity, and products that will help us not feel like we want to melt into the concrete.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch yesterday’s segment, just press play!

Here is a list of all the products I talked about…

Aveeno body lotion with SPF: If you’re not already applying lotion everyday/every time you get out of the shower, you should be! Add this to your routine and you’ll not only get moisturized, but you’ll also get protection from the sun!

Pond’s BB Cream: One thing I forgot to mention on the show, is this only comes in two shades. I picked up the medium to go with my tan, and it seems to blend in well. It does come out a lot darker then what it ends up looking like on your face, so don’t get freaked out.

Maybelline Color Show in Pink Embrace: light pastel colors are great for your manicure if you don’t want to touch it up a lot. These lighter colors won’t show nicks and chips as badly.

Urban Decay Makeup Setting Spray: I don’t know why my face starts to feel gross by 3pm, but I do know how to fix it – this makeup setting spray does the trick every time. Spray it on your face after doing your makeup to keep it in place, then do what I do and use it as an afternoon refresher.

Sea Salt Spray by Organix: Get that soft beach-babe look in your hair without all the driving and that sand thing, with this great sea salt spray. It smells fantastic and will give your hair some texture to make it easier to put up.

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