How to Get it All Done {My Sanity-Saving Tip}

mom blog, how to get it all done, knoxville mom, mom fashion blog, mom fashion blogger, mom life, how to get it all done, juggling work and motherhood

Ten words is all it takes to help you get it done.

When those ten words are repeated out loud ten times, I’m telling you, it makes all the difference in the world. I’ve conquered seemingly impossible to-do lists with the help of those words.

But before I get into that…

Right now, make a mental list of all your titles. I thought about giving you mine, but I didn’t want to sound like I was engaging you in a busy badge throw down.

Even if you have a short list like: “Mom” or even, “Human Being”, there is plenty enough on your plate.

I keep mental lists of all I want to get done in a day. Are those lists I’ve created for the super-human me who thinks that life is a TiVo box and can be paused for me to get massive amounts of things done in a small amount of time? *Deep breath* Yes. Yes they are.

Sometimes I drop the child off at my mother’s so I can attempt to pause life and catch up on things like the blog and cleaning. The other day as I drove away from the house, I started making that list. I kept thinking of things that were time sensitive and HAD to happen in the three hours I had to myself.

Then I stopped and realized – it was only three hours.

Instead of letting the weight of all I had to do (seriously, the list was long and non-negotiable), I started repeating something I read about.

Last year I read the book, “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Dr. Norman Vincent Peal. This book, I kid you not, is a game-changer.

It has changed my life in so many ways. I will read it again this year.

In it, he talks about the power of starting your day by repeating things out loud. One of those things is Philippians 4:13…

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

Repeat that to yourself 10 times. It helps that there are ten words in the verse, so I go through and emphasize each word till I get to the last one, that way I know I’ve said it ten times.

You may think that sounds silly. But, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

First, “And hearing” is mentioned twice,  so you know it’s important. Second,  how can you hear something unless someone says it out loud? You are the someone in the room. Say it out loud.

What was the result for me? At the end of my busy long to-do list day – I got everything done and then some. AND THEN SOME (if you didn’t catch it the first time).

Hey, you can’t make it a spiffy day if you’re frazzled and overwhelmed. So I’m here to help with that.

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Let’s Catch Up!

fashion blog, fashion blogger, funny fashion blog, style consultant, mom blog, mom life, knoxville fashion, help with blogging

In order to get my head around what it is I’m trying to say here, I’m going to pretend that you just asked me, “So, how are things with the blog?”

Oh! That’s so unexpected, but I appreciate you being so caring. Let me fill you in…

The past two months have been a growing process.

I’ve been writing this blog coming up on 7 years this June. Yeah. If my blog were a human, it would be pretty sassy and potty trained (there lies the extent of my knowledge of seven-year-olds. Get back with me in 5 years. I’ll know more). I have loved every minute of the journey. Well…loved a lot of it in hindsight. Like watching a movie montage – it’s more enjoyable to look back on those late nights when they’re all spliced together in your head with a Norah Jones song layered over them.

Throughout my entire history in this space, my passion and purpose has always been the same. I so deeply desire to help women feel more confident. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that this is something God has called me to do. And just as it is with anything He has for us…He has opened door after door of opportunity beyond what I had planned for myself.

I just wanted to write, but He had bigger plans and I’m so thankful for it!

So you know how they say you’re supposed to replace your mattress every 8 years? Those commercials make me dry heave *steady Elizabeth* …my point is, there’s a refreshing point for everything. Even our mattress – although, my theory is that’s a completely made up number. Someone just needs to be able to support the 100’s of mattress stores they’ve build on every corner. But that’s another blog…for like an anti-mattress store site, I guess…?

The past three months I’ve taken a step back from the blog. I have re-evaluated where I stand with this space. I’ve had other people evaluate where I stand with this space and I’m happy to report that I’m getting a new mattress. Metaphorically. Lord, I love my mattress and even though we’re coming up on 9 years with it, I’M NOT GOING TO GIVE IN AND BUY A NEW ONE!

Maybe this mattress analogy was too much of a hot button issue…

I just wanted to fill you in on the fact that I’ll be making changes to the blog here and there. Some will be noticeable; others will subtly fill your soul with warmth and wonder.

One that you’ll see for sure, is the fact that Pinterest and I have made amends (follow me there to see!). I’ve come to terms with the fact that everyone can now be creative with just a push of a button, while the rest of us will just have to pin what’s in our heads and stop being bitter about it….it’s what some people deal with…I’m sure. Not me! Ha…

I’ll also be stepping up my Instagram game (follow me there too!). And-God willing-picking up where I left off with personal style consultations.

All of that to say, hold on! There’s so much work being done behind the scenes so that I can be more steady and available to you on a regular basis.

I hope this fills you with joy! I so badly want to help you look your best, and do it using what’s in your closet.

I’m excited to see what this new year holds for our relationship :)

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One Exciting Year

2017, new year, fashion blog, knoxville fashion blog, beauty blog, tennessee blogger, southern blogger, elizabeth ogle, fresh start blog

The word I have for 2017 is the same one my husband has been mulling over.

He came home the other night and said what he’d been thinking about the year ahead. I immediately began waving the kitchen spoon I was holding to emphasize the fact that I had been thinking the EXACT same thing.

We both said when we think about the year, we get excited. Excited because we know it’s going to be big.

2016 for me was total maintenance mode.

Most of the time I felt like a sheltered freshman showing up to the high school of motherhood. On top of that we moved, I threw a giant birthday party for a one-year-old, and I did my best to keep all of my professional plates moving while balancing time with a growing little boy.

Which is part of the reason I’m excited about 2017. I learned a lot of lessons last year when it comes to budgeting time, and I can’t wait to put it all to work. I’ve also got exciting plans for the blog, I’m excited to dive into a new year with you!

I’m also excited to draw closer to God. I’m already in the middle of a great book about His perfect timing and it’s helping me relax into His plan. The Bible talks over and over again about putting the kingdom of God first and how everything falls into place after that. I was reading Psalm 91 today, and this verse stood out in a new way…

Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness-trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no, never].

-Psalm 91:14 AMP

He will deliver, set on high and never forsake those who love Him and have a personal knowledge of His love. I want to move more deeply into that knowledge of His love this year.

The picture I chose for this post is deliberate and perfect for the new year. It’s a blank page on white sheets (really, white sheets on white sheets). It’s a brand new start. Let’s fill it full of exciting things!

Happy 2017, friends. It’s going to be one exciting year!

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Worst Decision Ever?

12 years ago this month, I was dragged up to Tennessee. It was almost a literal thing. My parents probably should have hitched my little car to one of theirs on the drive up in case I had inclinations of going rogue.

At the time, it seemed like leaving Florida was the worst decision ever.

I was still in college, I had a really tight group of besties and a widening ring of friends. I loved the city, the house – I loved everything about where I grew up.

Moving to Tennessee meant starting over and I hated change. I even hated the fact that when I watched the weather, my view of the ocean was going to be gone (dramatic much, Elizabeth?)

Turns out, God knew what was best. (Duh.)

I don’t know if we’ll ever get to see what our life would be like it we had made different decisions. I do think about the person I would be if I’d stayed in Florida and I know with great certainty that I would be in a terrible place. Probably not a ditch, but I wouldn’t be living out God’s best for my life – which might make the ditch look good.

We need help making decisions in life. When you have a relationship with God, you can ask Him what to do and He will tell you. Whether it’s through a knowing in your gut, or a peace you can’t shake or explain; maybe it’s through an audible voice. He will lead you if you’ll ask, listen and {big time} trust.

That’s all God wants from us – our boundless trust.

Every time I’m faced with a big decision, I think about the outcome of the ones I made where I knew I heard God’s voice. Each of those were all the best ones that lead me to the greatest good, even if it took a while to see that. Why don’t I listen/ask/trust more often?!

If it weren’t for that move, those two sitting on the couch beside me would be different. That little boy wouldn’t even exist and my husband would be a librarian (because that’s what happens when they don’t marry you, right George Bailey?)

The anniversary of that move made me think of this, and I wanted to encourage you to trust God. So many people live the lie believing He doesn’t care or isn’t willing to talk to you and guide you. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Bible says in John 10:27, “My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them real and eternal life.”

If you are His sheep, then you have the ability to hear His voice. Tap into that!

If it sounds impossible to hear from God, then start with small things. Ask Him which way you should take home from work. Practice listening and soon you’ll wonder how you ever lived without leaning on Him everyday.

Gosh, He loves us so much.

12 years later and I wouldn’t want to be staring at any other spot on the weather map. ;)

(Alternate ending):

Worst decision ever? No because it brought me those two blessings sitting next to me.

(Alternate ending 2):

Worst decision ever? That’s a big ole’ bag of NO.


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A Confidence Boost for Your Week

knoxville fashion blogger, knoxville fashion blog, confidence boost, how to boost your confidence, how to be confident, knoxville fashion blog, funny fashion blog, east tn fashion, knoxville fashion

Don’t waste a single minute this week thinking insecure thoughts.

As a wise person once said, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

We really don’t have time for worrying about trivial problems, or thinking we can’t do this or that.

Just be!

Clear your head of the Pinterest-perfect life you see on social media. Be present when you’re around other people and not miles away on a screen. Know that your worth is grounded in the fact that God loves you so much.

There is a verse I have on repeat in my head. I cemented it in there by making it a part of my every day, and at first, it was just a great thing to say in the mornings. But then I started realizing just how useful it was.

After having moved this year, my to-do list has grown tremendously. And with a curious and very mobile baby to add to the list of jobs I ALREADY have to do – moments of feeling completely overwhelmed and under-energized would pop up.

That’s when I realized just how important the verse was that I had ground into my head…

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” – Phillippians 4:13

All things, it says. Once you start repeating that to yourself over and over again, you’ll be amazed at the number of situations you’ll be able to apply it to.

Don’t love what you see in the mirror? You can do all things – including find how beautiful God made you.

Want to lose weight? You can do all things – including knowing what to eat or do to best work with your body.

Don’t know how you’re going to balance work and motherhood? You can do all things through the strength that comes from God.

Have dreams and desires but you don’t know they’ll come about? Through Christ!

I could make this list miles long. You apply it to whatever it is you need this week…and for the rest of your life.

The sign I’m holding in the picture has a list of things that can more easily be done when you’re confident in the person God made you to be. Which is what He’s called us to do – meditate on His word (Psalm 1:3), enjoy life (John 10:10), experience a peace that passes all understanding (Phillippians 4:7).

Then share the eternal joy and peace with others!

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