Packing for Your Destined Neck of the Woods

Every time I told someone I was going to San Diego, their first response was always, “Oh the weather is gorgeous there!”

And it was-gorgeous…and cold.

I looked at what the temperatures would be before I left (as we all should do before packing for travel), but they were in that ambiguous, I-can’t-remember-what-that-feels-like range of 50’s and 60’s.

So I ignored every urge to stock my suitcase full of my summer cutest and packed jackets. And WOW I’m so very glad I did.
(In fact, I could have gotten one more good wear out of my boots!)

That’s why it always a good thing to pack one item (or two if there’s room) that’s the opposite of what you think the weather is going to be like.

If it’s supposed to be cool/cold, pack what you’d wear in that case then pack one or two extreme opposites like a tank or a short shirt.
And visa-verse, if you’re going to the beach pack a jacket or a bright cardigan (like this one from American Eagle) that goes well over one or more of your sun-dresses that way just in case you get a shiver you’re adequately prepared.

The main thing you’re aiming for when packing a snippet of your wardrobe is to be cute AND comfortable. Nothing like wanting to race back to your hotel room when you’re in a beautiful city, you want to be able to enjoy the area!

Come back tomorrow for more packing tips before yous sail away this summer!

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