Your Cheeks in Smile Mode (not those cheeks)

Hello Wednesday!

If you’re looking for a pick me up outside of that “World’s Best Boss” coffee mug of yours…hop on Instagram and start following TheSpiffBlog (our name on there is exactly that!)
You’ll get a sneak peak at this weeks nails, deals, outfit ideas and much more! (I haven’t yet decided what’s falling in that “much more” category, but it sounds good rounding off a list like that, no?)
Meanwhile, read on for another reason to love winter, and how to have glowing skin regardless of the weather!
Ok so Monday and last Friday I passed on ways to have good winter skin, and how to turn that winter frown upside down. Today, I want to do the same.

Starting with how to keep that skin glowing even in the harshest of dry winter air.
Remember how on Friday we talked about not using a compact if your face is dry and flaky?
Think about your blush the same way.

If you’re having problems with your skin flaking off and being rough, you should really switch to a cream blush in the winter time, and a peach or bronze one at that!

The reason for it is the cream will soak into your skin instead of sit on top of it like a powder would, giving you what looks like a glow from the inside out. The peach/bronze color will compliment the flush you get when your face is really cold outside. So all in all you’ll look like a glowing winter daisy when you try this stuff out.

I’m planning on doing this myself, if for no other reason then to amp up my blush routine (I’ve been using the same one from Mac for going on 4 years now-and there’s no bottom of the compact in sight!)

This one by Maybelline (seems as if I’m in a bit of a love affair with them lately!) looks divine. I mean really, just looking at it I want to smother my face with it!

Ok, so now that you have that going, here’s a reason to keep those cheeks in smile mode even though winter may not be your favorite season…
Think about how you don’t have to deal with being all dressed up and sweaty! I do. Growing up in Florida I hated getting all glammed up, then getting outside to my car and becoming sweaty by the time I arrived at my destination. In winter, you never have to deal with that. You may arrive cold, but cold feels way more fresh then hot and sticky does!

That’s all the spiff I have for today, happy Wednesday!

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