What I’m Splurging on This Week (Good Thing it’s on Sale)

We’re a little over a week away from Christmas!

My goal for the next 24 hours is to get as much work done as possible so I can swing fully and heavily into all things Christmas for the next week.

One of the fun things on my to do list to buy pajama’s.


I have set out to buy comfortable items to sleep in, one other time in my adult life. One.

(Confession: part of the reason I’m writing about this is because I figured I have to stick to doing it if I put it out there).

Buying clothes that no one will see (well, there’s that one guy I live with ;) it’s just not any fun! I want to be able to make an outfit out of it! But you know what, I do get a little thrill when I reach for a set of pretty pajama’s over the t-shirt/boxers combo I normally go with.

Plus, it’s a little Christmas tradition, to go over to my parents house and open gifts in pajama’s. I may be the only one doing it this year, but I refuse to sit on the floor in skinny jeans (can I get an Amen!)

Thankfully, Target has made this resolve easy by putting their pajama’s on sale this week!

This cutie little set for less than $20 is a great deal, and they look really comfy too!

Plus it will be good to have cute clothes to sleep in, I’m sure future me will really appreciate it.

Think about the little things you love but may not want to spend money on, those would probably make great gifts for other people too!

Merry Christmas Everybody!

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