Summer Beauty Swaps

Now that it is consistently hotter than a cole miners arm pit outside, it’s a good time to summer-ize our beauty routine.

This time of year we need protection from the sun, tools to combat humidity, and products that will help us not feel like we want to melt into the concrete.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch yesterday’s segment, just press play!

Here is a list of all the products I talked about…

Aveeno body lotion with SPF: If you’re not already applying lotion everyday/every time you get out of the shower, you should be! Add this to your routine and you’ll not only get moisturized, but you’ll also get protection from the sun!

Pond’s BB Cream: One thing I forgot to mention on the show, is this only comes in two shades. I picked up the medium to go with my tan, and it seems to blend in well. It does come out a lot darker then what it ends up looking like on your face, so don’t get freaked out.

Maybelline Color Show in Pink Embrace: light pastel colors are great for your manicure if you don’t want to touch it up a lot. These lighter colors won’t show nicks and chips as badly.

Urban Decay Makeup Setting Spray: I don’t know why my face starts to feel gross by 3pm, but I do know how to fix it – this makeup setting spray does the trick every time. Spray it on your face after doing your makeup to keep it in place, then do what I do and use it as an afternoon refresher.

Sea Salt Spray by Organix: Get that soft beach-babe look in your hair without all the driving and that sand thing, with this great sea salt spray. It smells fantastic and will give your hair some texture to make it easier to put up.

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The Fabulous Hair Trick That Takes 30 Seconds

I’m not usually one to suggest we go to the movies (unless it’s a movie about a heist, and then all bets are off).

This past weekend when my husband was in the mood for one, I looked up what was playing, saw “3 Days to Kill” and knew immediately that watching a hit man would be part of my afternoon.

Good thing it included Kevin Costner ;)

Believe it or not, watching the movie gave me an idea for my hair. One of the female characters dons a thick blonde wig in one scene and the way she has only a small portion of her hair pinned back got me to thinking…

Picture courtesy of:

That answers a hair conundrum of mine! Instead of going half up (a look, I’ve determined, doesn’t flatter my face at all) I started (a couple of years ago) taking portions of my hair and pinning it back.  It helps change up my look and gets the hair out of my face so I’m not constantly touching it and making it oily.

The problem is, I can never determine how much to pin back, how high to pin it, how far back to pin it…all of those things. But when I saw that she just took a simple small strand of hair and tucked it away near her ears, I thought – that’s it!

So on Tuesday I tried it, and I love it! Here’s a picture of what it looked like on TV…

The fabulous hair trick that takes 30 seconds

And here it is full on…

The fabulous hair trick that takes 30 seconds!

My husband pointed out that you can barely tell I’ve done it (which is kind of true from the front), but the sides look cool and it does give you a little more volume at the top of your head.

Here’s how you do it:
Take about an inch worth of hair, bobby pin it right past your ear (tucking it underneath your hair if you can, to hide the pin). Then once both sides are done and even, tug at the pinned back hair a bit to give it some volume. Hairspray the hair at the pin so it doesn’t fall out, and you’ve got it!

I’m all about completing a look with a hair style that matches, and to me the floral print I had on along with the light pink necklace, called for hair that was a little “sweet.” Pinning a little bit back like this was just the answer.

Why don’t you give it a try this spring!

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A Great Drugstore Find for Your Hair

If you missed yesterday’s segment on great drugstore beauty finds, you can watch it below.

But before you do, I wanted to add one more to the list…

I’m such a hair product junkie. And while that doesn’t come in handy space-wise, it does come in handy for my hair. I see a big difference in my hair when I switch out products every so often. I think it’s a really great practice, because your strands can get used to the same ingredients over and over again.

So to help make that expensive serum or cream work even better? Buy something from the drugstore to use in its place every so often.

This Moroccan Blow Out Cream is great for that. It’s super hydrating and perfect for filing into your hair product rotation. I just used it after several weeks of not, and my hair feels uh-mazing.

I’m talking lets-parade-this-mane-around-town good.

You don’t need a lot of it, a little goes a very long way. You can apply it on wet or dry hair. What I like to do is put it mostly on my ends and work half way up, because I like the top of my hair to maintain volume and not go flat.

Check it out, but only after you watch yesterdays segment (with a side of jokester ;)


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Product Review: Dove Hairspray

Here is a review of Dove hair spray from a recent hair spray convert…

I’ve always had that back up can of hair spray in my cabinet, but it wasn’t until last year that I left my house with the intention of buying hair spray.

I’ve tried several brands (Not Your Mother’s is a good one) along with a few that came in my Birchbox. But you never know how much you’ve become dependent on something until you run out of it.

And two weeks ago I found that I had run out of hair spray, even the backup can that’s probably lived in my cabinet for most of my married life.

My hair style the day I needed it (of course) called for hair spray, so I made a quick dash down to Kroger where I just leaned on the brand I know and trust…Dove.

So I wanted to share my thoughts about the stuff with you, because I know in those moments when you’re standing and staring blankly in front of a wall of products, it’s so hard to know which one will work. It’s a roll of the dice, really, and I’d like to take a little pressure off the moment and tell you what I think of Dove’s version…

First off, it has a great smell. I’ve used hair sprays before that smell like an old lady’s funeral home, so I was very happy/relieved as I sat in my car and covered my hair with the stuff, that I’d come out smelling good.

There’s something for the pro column.

It also seems to hold well. My style didn’t wilt and even held pretty well for the next day, which is really the number one job of hair spray, so Bravo!

A couple of con’s…

I didn’t like how the spray came out. It ends up being more of a direct shot than an all over aerosol spray (which I now realize is my favorite), so you really have to make sure you’re holding it far enough away to not blast just one spot.

It also does leave behind a bit of a crunch. Eww…yeah that sticky stiff thing happened in some spots, but it was probably because i held it too close to my head. So beware.

Other than that, it performed pretty well. So if you’re ever like me and find yourself in a hair spray emergency, Dove wouldn’t be a bad choice.

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Cut Your Blow Drying Time in Half

I’m serious when I say, I’ve never seen anything like this brush.

Every time I use it I stare at it – hard – to see just what’s going on inside there. But all I see are regular brush bristles. I’m betting on the fact that there are little hair elves that come out when you use it, then suck themselves back into the core of the brush before you can see them.

That’s the only logical explanation I can come up with.

Regardless of how it does it, it works wonders (wonders I say!) on my hair. I have coarse hair, even when it’s been through the flat iron it’s not silky. It just sits there in coarse chunks (eww, that’s gross).

If I pile on the products and flat iron each and every section at a very high heat, I could probably get it to do the same thing this brush does. But why do all of that when I can simply run this brush through my hair while blow drying? Seriously, it’s smoother than after I use a straightener and saves my hair from all that heat damage!

The even greater thing about it is I can twirl the brush while drying (with other brushes a “twirl” consists of turning off the dryer, setting it down, moving the brush, picking the dryer up, turning it on again…and repeat).

Here’s a before and after picture for proof…

best hair brush for thick hair

straightening brush
During (with a blow dryer)

cut hair drying time in half
After! (Cheesy grin)

best hair brush
Smoother than after I straighten it!

You can buy it at Ulta (here).

If you have a hard time getting the right kind of blow-out, or if you have to straighten your hair after blow drying – this brush is for you.

If you find that after blow drying, you have little fly away hairs that stick up – this brush is for you.

If you’ve always secretly craved shiny flat super model hair – this brush is for you.

It’s probably not for you if your hair is super fine. But you probably only spend 3 minutes under the hair dryer so you can go ahead and parade THAT around town.

(This is not a paid advertisement, but if the makers of “Marilyn Flatter Me Too” brush would like to send me a check, I’d be ok with that).

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