Mom’s the Word

This weekend we get a chance to celebrate the beautiful women in our lives who brought us into this world (and as they’ll never let us forget-they can also take us out!)

Here at The Spiff, we appreciate Mothers because they are our first style icon.
They help mold how we feel about ourselves, and give us an example of grace to look up to.

I appreciate my mother for not only being such a spiffy mom (she inspired the name, in fact!), but for allowing me to experiment with clothes without ever, 1. Letting me leave the house looking like a slut, and 2. Quenching my creativity when sometimes it got a little too overzealous.

She allowed me to be me and for that I’m very thankful.

I truly believe my sense of style came from both my mother and my grandmother whom I admire for being uniquely stylish-incorporating trends while still letting their own tastes shine through.

Love you Mom :)

Tell yours what an inspiration she’s been to you this weekend!

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