Your Hair’s the Only Ten-I-See

Like an addict with crack, I am a hair product junkie. My hair drawer is filled with serums, gels, sprays, putty, powder, mouse, I mean you name it, I’ve tried it or dreamed, read, and thought about trying it.

That is why when I endorse a hair product on this blog, you should really take me seriously. My current obsession, “It’s a 10” the kind I use is called “Miracle leave-in product” and they aren’t joking. After blow drying and then straightening, my already coarse hair is anything but smooth, however, if I spray this all over right before I straighten you could slide puppies down my locks-they’re so silky!

Plus plus plus!-it smells so good! I realized this quite awkwardly one day after I had gone to the hairdresser. I was standing in my friend’s office talking with her when at one point she asked, “do you have something in your hair?”
“Yeah,” I said, “I got my hair cut today, why?”
“You keep reaching up and smelling it while I’m talking.”

Trust me-it smells good. The good news is, this product that was once only available at salons is hitting the pavement and can be found all over the place like Trade Secret or even the Walmart salon so test it, try it, you’ll LOVE it.

“The hair is the richest ornament of women.” ~Martin Luther

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