Don’t Start Stressing, Read This Instead


Thanks for stopping by the blog! There are so many things I had planned to post about today, but I really felt impressed to scrap all of that and write about something else. Take 84 seconds to keep reading…

I started feeling overwhelmed last week, and as I allowed my thoughts to progress it started to come in waves. Work was piling up, the house was a mess, blogs were looming and then the holiday cooking and shopping and list making…Oh {freakin} My!

Then I realized if I don’t get control of this situation I’m not going to enjoy one minute of the holidays. And I’m the type of person to want to savor every second, so I don’t want to spend the next month stressed out, and I’m certain neither do you.

First I started meditating on Hebrews 4:11, “labor to enter into His rest.” Which means CHOOSE to enter into God’s rest. I’ve started making a concerted effort to just be still and quiet. No phone checking, no noise. Just being. Even if it means driving in silence.

This helps keep the noise down in my head (there’s a constant stream of songs going up there) and it helps me to hear and recognize God’s voice.

Next I start to really list out everything I’m stressed about and give it a time frame. Sometimes we have this long list in our minds and it seems like it’s going to take us HOURS AND HOURS. When really it won’t. When I start making sides for our Thanksgiving meal tomorrow, I’m not going to be slaving over the stove the entire time. Some of that will be spent with the food in the oven.

There will be some free time to get other things done which makes it easier.Earlier in my mind, it was me running around the flour-bombed kitchen with a crazed look in my eye while the pot boiled over on the stove.

The key to enjoying the holidays is to schedule in time to just be (even if it’s the 84 seconds you’re giving me to read this), make a list and be realistic about your time, but most importantly – labor to enter into God’s rest.

He so wants you to enjoy this season. And if you’ll have those moments of quiet time with Him, He’ll lead and guide you to do exactly what you need to do at exactly the right time to do it.

I promise. I see it happen in my own life every time I finally let go and listen.

Thanks for reading. I so appreciate you stopping by the blog. I’m so blessed in that I get to do what I’m passionate about, but it would be me talking to a wall if it weren’t for you.

Let’s make this Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s the most stress free ones yet!

Speaking of which, enjoy my segment from yesterday where I talk about gift ideas for the guys!

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