
Welcome to the 1,000th post of TheSpiff.com.

Also, tomorrow happens to be the 4 year anniversary of when I began this blog. How about that!?

I still chuckle at the fact that when I graduated from college I was so excited to rid my life of assignments that would keep me writing late into the night. Then I decided to start a blog, one that posts five days a week…and here I am, four years later with an ongoing assignment that often keeps me up writing late into the night. Ha.

But I love it. I won’t say I love every minute of it, because believe me there are days when my finger hovers over the delete button like it’s a trigger.

Then, without fail, there is always always someone brought across my path that encourages me, or tells me what a help the blog has been to them. Every time. God never fails.

This blog is such an adventure. I still remember the ah-ha moment I had when I realized I could combine my ability to write with my love for style, to fuel the passion I have to see women more confident.

A year later after working on the name, content and website, I sat on my couch late at night, having inched my way along for weeks trying to manipulate the HTML code so that the pattern in the background would repeat itself. Finally, that night it worked and I was so excited I screamed, startling my husband!

What a feeling of accomplishment it was to hit the “publish” button for the first time. And just to watch as God has ordered my steps, opening new doors every year. It’s such a wild, crazy-fun adventure!

Certainly, the best is yet to come.

Thank you for coming back, dear readers! Stay tuned for some fun changes, fresh inspiration, and as usual, fabulous ways to spiff yourself up from head to toe. Why? Because everyday should be a spiffy day :)

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